Sierra Park
I.O.O.F. Sierra Camp Subdivision


SC19547 - Brian C. & Kristina Benedix vs. Sierra Park Services, Inc. - 4/19/2017

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Intermediate Documents and Forms

Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court - Not Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 303 KB)
Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court - Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 1.43 MB)
Authorization to Appear - Not Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 464 KB)
Authorization to Appear - Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 454 KB)
Notice of Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner - Not Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 144 KB)
Notice of Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner - Signed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 198 KB)
Proof of Service - Claim and ORDER, Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner & Authorization to Appear - Not Signed - 4/20/2017 (PDF 180 KB)
Proof of Service - Claim and ORDER, Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner & Authorization to Appear - Signed - 4/20/2017 (PDF 482 KB)

Court Documents

Letter from SPSC - 4/4/2017 (PDF 480 KB)
Demand Letter - 4/8/2017 (PDF 224 KB)
Response to your April 4, 2017 Letter - 4/8/2017 (PDF 252 KB)
Corrected Response to your April 4, 2017 Letter - 4/8/2017 (PDF 272 KB)
Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court - Filed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 1.52 MB)
Authorization to Appear - Filed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 481 KB)
Notice of Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner - Filed - 4/19/2017 (PDF 198 KB)
Proof of Service - Claim and ORDER, Withdrawal of Consent for Commissioner & Authorization to Appear - Filed - 4/21/2017 (PDF 643 KB)

Court Costs

Court Costs - Summary (PDF 83.0 KB)

$30.00 - Superior Court of California - 183177 - Filing Fee - 4/19/2017 (PDF 82.5 KB)
$10.00 - Charles Varvayanis - Service to Defendant - Plaintiff's Claim and Order & Withdrawal of Consent - 4/21/2017 (PDF 518 KB)

Judge - Kate Powell Segerstrom

Branch Location – Department 3
60 N. Washington Street
Sonora, CA 95370
(209) 533-5563

The Superior Court of Clifornia - County of Tuolumne - Judicial Assignments - 10/7/2016 (PDF 289 MB)

State of California - Governor Brown Appoints Kate Powell Segerstrom to Tuolumne County Superior Court - 12/5/2013 (PDF 77.9 KB)
The Union Democrat - New Judge Named - 12/6/2013 (PDF 35.9 KB)
The Union Democrat - Kate Segerstrom new Superior Court Judge - 12/5/2013 (PDF 37.1 KB) - New Tuolumne Judge Appointed - 12/6/2013 (PDF 325 KB) - Segerstrom Receives Gavel - 12/20/2013 (PDF 446 KB) - Kate Powell Segerstrom (PDF 54.1 KB)

Website created and managed by Charles Varvayanis
To submit comments or contribute material contact:
Charles Varvayanis
P.O. Box 395, Long Barn, CA  95335-0395
Phone:  (209) 586-3782
Fax:  (209) 586-3761

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